Housing Data
Datasets by CTData
Housing Characteristics
New: Housing Tenure by Race and Ethnicity
New: Median Home Value
New: Median Rent
New: Total Housing Units
New: Population Estimates Dashboard (Annual Housing Permits)
Coming in 2025: Subsidized Housing by Type
Coming in 2025: Distribution of Home Sales
Coming in 2025: Foreclosures
Coming in 2025: Single Housing Units by Town
Residential Mobility
Coming in 2025: Residential Mobility
Projects by CTData
2020 Demographics and Housing Explorer
The 2020 Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (DHC), released by the U.S. Census Bureau in May 2023, is one of many data products released as part of the 2020 decennial census.
Connecticut Evictions Interactive Map
You will understand the intersection of race and sex in Connecticut’s Eviction Crisis. It includes the Eviction Map and links to our reports.
ACS 2021 Tool
Connecticut Measured By 2021 American Community Survey, 5-year estimates. This interface maps some of the most in-demand variables for Connecticut towns. See also ACS 2017, ACS 2018, ACS 2019 and ACS 2020 versions.
2024 PSC Housing Data Profiles
Online platform with data on housing stock, income, race, age distribution of residents, housing characteristics, housing costs and affordability, housing production and affordable units in Connecticut.
CONNECT Regional Data Stories
Seven data stories about who lives and works in Connecticut, some of their educational experiences, and health outcomes.
Connecticut Zoning Atlas
This interactive map—the first of its kind in the state—includes all 2,616 zoning districts and two subdivisions and allows users to view the type of zoning district and filter by permitted residential uses. The tool also includes overlays for rail, CTfastrak, and ferries.
Housing Portal
Visualizations and analysis of historic and geographical housing data from Zillow and US Census for Connecticut towns.
Town Profiles
Two-page PDF reports of demographic and economic information for Connecticut's towns.