On this page you will find information about different population statistics products as well as links to our population statistics analysis and resources.
Visit our interactive dashboard to explore estimates of Connecticut’s total population at the state, planning region, and town levels from the Census Bureau’s Population Estimates Program (PEP) and the official population estimates for the state of Connecticut certified by Connecticut’s Department of Public Health (DPH). The dashboard also shows estimates of the components of population change (births, deaths, and domestic and international migration) for the state and planning regions from the PEP, and new housing units permitted annually in each town from the Census Bureau’s Building Permit Survey. View our webinar to learn more about these data and how to use the dashboard.
Decennial Population Count
Take a look at our 2020 Decennial Data Hub for blog posts, analysis, and datasets. Or go to the Census Bureau’s data portal to find the Demographic and Housing Characteristic data.
American Community Survey (ACS) Population Estimates
Access our ACS 2021 Data Hub here. Or take a look at our Data by Topic section to identify which population data type you. You can also access the full ACS data on the Census Bureau’s website, and explore topics at the Census Reporter.
CT DPH Population Estimates
Access information at the Connecticut Department of Public Health Population Statistics page.
Census Bureau Population Estimates Program (PEP)
The PEP estimates are available on the Census Bureau’s Population Estimates Program page. In addition, we are currently updating the PEP data on our Data by Topic and will have up-to-date PEP data soon.